Shoulder Exercises

Exercise Instructions
Overhead Press Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold barbell/dumbbells at shoulder height, press overhead, lower.
Arnold Press Hold dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing body, press overhead while rotating wrists, lower.
Lateral Raise Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, raise dumbbells to shoulder height with a slight bend in elbows.
Front Raise Stand holding dumbbells, raise arms straight in front to shoulder height, lower.
Rear Delt Fly Bend at waist, raise dumbbells to sides until parallel to ground, lower.
Upright Row Hold barbell/dumbbells in front of thighs, lift to chin level with elbows higher than wrists, lower.
Face Pull Attach rope to high pulley, pull rope towards face with elbows high and wide, squeeze shoulder blades.
Shrugs Hold dumbbells/barbell at sides, lift shoulders towards ears, squeeze at top, lower.
Bent-Over Dumbbell Raise Bend at waist, raise dumbbells to sides until parallel to ground, lower.
Cable Lateral Raise Stand next to low pulley machine, raise arm to side to shoulder height, lower.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press Sit/stand with dumbbells at shoulder height, press overhead, lower.
Landmine Press Hold barbell end with both hands at shoulder height, press up and forward, lower.
Single-Arm Cable Front Raise Attach handle to low pulley, stand facing away, raise arm in front to shoulder height, lower.
Pike Push-Up Begin in downward dog position, lower head to ground by bending elbows, press back up.
Machine Shoulder Press Sit in shoulder press machine, grip handles, press overhead, lower.
Seated Dumbbell Press Sit with back support, hold dumbbells at shoulder height, press overhead, lower.
Inverted Row Hang under bar/TRX handles, pull chest to bar by bending elbows and squeezing shoulder blades, lower.
Dumbbell High Pull Stand with dumbbells in front of thighs, pull to shoulder height leading with elbows, lower.
Rotator Cuff External Rotation Attach band to fixed point, stand with side to band, rotate arm outward keeping elbow at 90°, return.
Rotator Cuff Internal Rotation Attach band to fixed point, stand with side to band, rotate arm inward keeping elbow at 90°, return.